Yo! Shipping
To serve you better, Yo! Chlo Chlo works with multiple suppliers, manufacturers and warehouses. Because of this, some products are shipped directly from the manufacturer. As different types of items are often shipped from different locations, dates or arrival may vary. Addresses in the USA qualify for free shipping if all of the items are coming from the same manufacturer or warehouse. If items are coming from multiple manufacturers or warehouses multiple shipping charges may be assed and the order may not qualify for the free shipping. In addition, all commercial, industrial and business entry runners will not qualify for free shipping as their weight precludes them from this offer. Free Shipping Offer is only valid to orders shipping in the Contiguous US to the same address.
An estimate of shipping time is provided for your convenience when your order is processed. Your products will be shipped via UPS, USPS or DHL depending on weight, size and cost of shipping to the Contiguous United States and via United States Postal Service Ground Service to Alaska and Hawaii. Other shipping methods may apply in other jurisdictions. To learn more about UPS shipping, please visit www.ups.com. To learn more about United States Postal Service shipping, please visit www.usps.com. Please allow up to two weeks for your order to be shipped; if shipping is expected to take more than two weeks, as with the custom-manufactured Yoycol and Printful, the product description on the Site will reflect this.
Yo! Chlo Chlo carefully packages its products to prevent damage during transit; however, Yo! Chlo Chlo cannot be responsible for damage that occurs during the shipping process. Claims based on damage during the shipping process must be brought to UPS directly. If any cartons are missing or damaged, be sure to note this on the freight bill.
For UPS shipping: If you notice concealed damage after the driver has left, keep all the packing and call UPS to return and inspect the damage and file a claim, or fill out the claim form on the UPS website section entitled "File a Claim."
For United States Postal Service shipping: Claims based on damage during shipping are not available via USPS on orders under $100. In the event that you have a claim, you may refer to the USPS website for information on claims under "Ship a Package / File an Insurance Claim."